
Somehow, I’ve found the time and energy to play scholar by authoring and co-authoring academic works. You can find these listed below, along with a preview of forthcoming works. I’ve tried to provide metrics and URLs where available.
Enjoy! You are welcome to use the contact page to get in touch about past or future works.


Pending book chapter concerning social media


Meredith Blake, Marilyn Bromberg and Nicholas Cardaci, ‘Healthy Competition: Western Australia’s Choices for Regulating Supermarkets’ Promotion of Discretionary Food’ (Healthway, Project No. 34129).

Nicholas Cardaci, ‘The Truth is Out There: Can Lawyers Predict Judgments with Machine Learning?’ (2023) 50(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 51


Marilyn Bromberg and Nicholas Cardaci, ”Feel[ing] Unpretty Too’: Do Body Image Laws Measure up in the Post COVID-19 World?’ (2022) 22(1) Journal of Law in Society 94.

Adam Jardine, Marilyn Bromberg and Nicholas Cardaci, ‘No More Fighting Like Cats And Dogs: It’s Time For A New Pet Custody Model In Australia’ (2022) 19(1) Canberra Law Review 86.

Nicholas Cardaci, Marilyn Bromberg and Kathy Luong, ‘I’m a Celebrity, Don’t Get Me Out of Here: How Law and Celebrity Advocacy can Protect Young People from Miracle Weight Loss Products’ Advertising on Social Media’ (2022) 33 Hastings Journal on Gender and the Law 29.

I’m a Celebrity, Don’t Get Me Out of Here: How Law and Celebrity Advocacy can Protect Young People from Miracle Weight Loss Products’ Advertising on Social Media


Marilyn Bromberg and Nicholas Cardaci, ‘Playing with Fire: Why Australian Legislators Must Legalise E-Cigarettes’ (2021) 24(2) Quinnipiac Health Law Journal 125.


Marilyn Bromberg, Nicholas Cardaci, Gina Trapp and Kathy Luong, ‘Have a (Non-Energy) Drink on Me – Modifying the Laws Regarding Energy Drinks in Australia’ (2019) 74(3) Food and Drug Law Journal 440.


Nicholas Cardaci, ‘Costs Orders in Federal Court Migration Litigation: An Empirical Analysis’ (2018) 44(1) The University of Western Australia Law Review 172.


Nicholas Cardaci, ‘Rus v Comcare: The Rules of Evidence in the AAT’ (2017) 19 The University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review article 7.

Rus v Comcare: The Rules of Evidence in the AAT